
Westover Primary School


Computing Intent Statement


At Westover, we want children to be masters of technology and not slaves to it. We want to equip all of our children, whatever their abilities or needs, with the computational skills and thinking they will need for the ever-changing world in which they are living. 


Technology is everywhere and plays an increasingly pivotal role in children’s lives both now and in their futures; therefore, we want to model and educate our pupils on how to use technology positively, responsibly and safely. Positive relationships both on and offline are key. 


Our Computing curriculum encompasses computer science, information technology and digital literacy as set out in the National Curriculum.  Opportunities to apply these skills are planned across the wider curriculum so that children learn how and when to use technology effectively.


We want our children to move up to secondary school with the skills and knowledge to take advantage of all the opportunities that technology has to offer, but also able to keep themselves safe and to engage with it positively.

What We Learn in Computing

Computing National Curriculum
