We love to see your child in school everyday!
Good attendance at school (over 96%) is a fundamental part of your child’s education. Poor attendance impacts significantly on progress, learning, friendship groups and the child’s overall happiness at school.
As poor attendance at school is seen as an indicator for neglect, the school has a duty to work with social services and the educational welfare service to ensure families support attendance.
For those who fall below the 96% target for attendance, parents and carers can expect the school to consider further action that could include social services involvement, penalty notices, court proceedings and fines.
If your child has 90% attendance this is equivalent of:
- one half a day lost every week.
- four whole weeks lost in the school year.
- half a school year lost over five years.
- If your child is 5 minutes late every day this is the equivalent of:
- 3 whole days lost in the school year.
One of our attendance team are available to meet parents and carers should you wish to talk further about any attendance concerns.