Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum is broad and balanced, making sure that children are exposed to a variety of different subjects and skills. Our carefully designed and integrated curriculum will help to prepare children for secondary school and allow them to make a contribution to the world in which they live. Through our curriculum, children will learn the skills and knowledge to succeed. These include the understanding and use of money, effective writing and reading skills, collaborative work, discussion and research of ideas and concepts, and gaining a broad and balanced understanding of the society in which they live.

Our curriculum is underpinned by our values:

Kindness, Resourcefulness, Creativity and Resilience

As well as our values, we have three school rules that help us to make good choices.


Our school rules are:

Be safe, Be Ready, Be Respectful


Intent Statement

Our curriculum:

– has our values and rules at its heart.

– is designed to teach the whole of the National Curriculum but also to recognise the unique characteristics of our school so that it has meaning for our children and supports a sense of belonging in the local area amongst the children.

– is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and employment.

– has the same high academic ambitions for all learners, regardless of their starting point, allowing children to articulate their learning and demonstrate quality thinking and application of knowledge and skills. It is designed to support our children to lead happy and successful lives.

– encourages and inspires active, independent and resilient learners. This, combined with our values, encourages positive attitudes to learning and high aspirations.

– is underpinned by teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and values. High priority is given to the key concepts of each subject, ensuring basic building blocks are in place. The teaching of reading and writing is at the heart of what we do. We want our children to develop within a language rich environment to become confident and articulate speakers who demonstrate a wide vocabulary in their communication.

– it prioritises spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, as well as mental health and well-being, to ensure children have respect and care for themselves and others and an appreciate for diversity.


We want our children to leave our school as confident individuals, well-equipped to participate fully in the next stage of their education. Our curriculum empowers and promotes courageous advocacy.


We comply with our duties in the Equalities Act 2010 and the SEND regulations 2014 by making our curriculum accessible for those with disabilities and/or special needs. We adapt activities where necessary or make deliberate choices in the activities we choose, working closely with parents and outside agencies so that every child has the same opportunities.


For more information on the curriculum for each year group – please take a look at the following page:

Our School Curriculum

If you would like further information, please speak to your child’s class teacher.