
Curriculum Intent

Our Westover History curriculum provides the children with a clear understanding of the key concepts: chronology (how past events impacted the present day and how our lives will impact the future), similarities and differences within societies (making links through themes such as monarchy, slavery, poverty, wealth, war and religion), how aspects have continued and changed over time and the consequences this has had within our society. 

Our curriculum is designed to build knowledge progressively through carefully sequenced topics that explore personal and local history as well as significant individuals, periods of time and historical events. Children will be taught to question like historians using evidence to investigate, problem solve and make connections. Then, they will be guided to develop enquiries and reflect on how the world has changed and how this impacts our daily lives.

Our curriculum supports our School Values of Kindness, Resilience, Resourcefulness and Creativity and, therefore, the children’s future learning to enable them to take their places as responsible, compassionate citizens of society having a good understanding of the world in which they live.

History Knowledge Progression