SEND - Special Educational Needs & Disability
Our pastoral team
Mrs Leslie
Mrs Dalton
Our Intent:
Westover Primary School provides a quality learning environment that values and welcomes all individuals in the school; that promotes the growth of community through relationships that are trustful, respectful and loving; that encourages children to develop their full potential as inquisitive, confident learners both for now and for their futures. We actively work for the growth of spirit as a source of creativity that opens us all to life and to each other.
We believe that:
- all children should be valued with no exception
- all children are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum which is matched to meet each individual’s needs
- all teachers are teachers of children with special educational needs
- all children can learn and make progress
- effective assessment and provision for children with SEND will be secured in partnership with parents, children, the LA and other agencies.
We are fully committed to eliminating discrimination, harassment and victimisation, promoting equality of opportunity, good relations and possible attitudes towards all people, encourage participation of all in public life and make adjustments to assist disabled people within our school community.
Please speak to your child’s class teacher if you have any concerns about how they are accessing all aspects of school life or if you think they might need extra support. By working together we can achieve the best for all our children.
If you have any questions about information provided, please contact Westover Primary School Inclusion Lead, Mrs Leslie, on 02392660178 or email:
For further information about Portsmouth City Council local offer please follow the link below:
For further information about the Portsmouth Ordinarily Available Provision please follow the link below:
Education Health Care Plans
SEND - Complaints
The school follows an agreed complaints procedure and this will be followed for any complaints that relate to children with SEND.
If you have a query or complaint regarding your child and their special educational need please initially talk to the class teacher/phase leader. This query will then be discussed and resolved or passed on to the SENDCO. Our SENDCO welcomes working with parents / carers and, as such, is always happy to meet to discuss needs and provision.
If you remain concerned or you still need further support please contact the Headteacher or governing body via the school office.