Ofsted last visited in May 2022. We were delighted to be judged to be ‘Good’ in all areas.
Key strengths include:
- Pupils enjoy coming to this friendly, welcoming and caring school. They are happy and they feel safe and well cared for.
- Leaders are ambitious for all pupils to learn a curriculum that is broad, interesting and stimulating.
- Pupils, including children in Early Years, are absorbed in their learning.
- Staff use their strong subject knowledge to support pupils to practise and remember what they have learned effectively.
- Leaders ensure that reading is a top priority. Staff regularly read high-quality texts to pupils to nurture their love of reading.
- The learning environment, both inside and outside, is inviting and vibrant. It is a hive of purposeful activity.
- There is a respectful culture in the school. Pupils act in a kind and considerate manner.
- Leaders prioritise the welfare and safety of pupils.
Our improvement point is:
- In some subjects, teachers have variable subject knowledge. This limits how well pupils, including children in Early Years, develop their knowledge and understanding. Leaders need to continue providing training to develop teachers’ expertise so that they can deliver the curriculum successfully.
You can read the full report from the link below.