Curriculum Intent
At Westover, we believe that maths is an exciting, creative and visual subject.
Mathematical concepts have origins, stories, logic, connections, big ideas and intuitiveness – we strive to allow children to understand and question the mathematical world around them.
We aim to equip children with the tools needed to venture into further education as confident, competent and creative mathematicians with a secure understanding enthusiasm to investigate and ask questions.
To develop children’s conceptual understanding, we use the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract approach (CPA). Problem solving, reasoning and fluency is more central to our curriculum.
In order to reason and answer questions successfully, we teach the children precise mathematical language and insist upon its use. This give the children the ability to think mathematically and empowers children’s ability to think about the concept being taught and to communicate ideas and strategies.
Our approach rests on the belief that all children can – and indeed must – be successful in the study of maths. We believe that by embedding our school values throughout our mathematics teaching and learning, we will ensure that our children are active, resilient learners who become life-long mathematicians. This, combined with our Growth Mindset approach, encourages positive attitudes to learning and high aspirations where we aim to ensure that all children move together though their learning in order to avoid gaps in understanding from forming. Children who grasp concepts more quickly are given opportunities to deepen their knowledge and improve their reasoning skills rather than accelerating on to new curriculum content.