
Curriculum Intent

We appreciate the constantly changing nature of scientific knowledge and use scientific procedures of investigation to introduce, develop and study the application of science in a broad range of contexts, e.g. personal growth and health, the home, the immediate environment and technology.

We are of the view that the development of substantive scientific knowledge and disciplinary knowledge (working scientifically) are a crucial, core entitlement for all our pupils, since science stimulates and excites pupils’ curiosity about phenomena and events in the world around them.

Science is an integral part of our curriculum and is related to many other subjects to enrich children’s learning experiences.

While studying Science, our children focus on four different aspects:

  • Scientific enquiry – investigating and following instructions
  • Life processes – humans and other animals, green plants, variation and classification, living things in the environment.
  • Materials and their Properties – grouping, sorting, changing materials.
  • Physical Processes – electricity, forces and motion, light and sound, light and dark

We encourage children to be autonomous in their learning and try to facilitate debate and reasoning.

In addition to this, the school curriculum gives children the opportunity to plan and conduct practical science activities and experiments. We believe that practical activities breathe life into concepts that might otherwise seem abstract to children.

The world around us is constantly changing and we believe Science can give children the tools to understand and explain this change.

SMSC and philosophy in Science

SMSC stands for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development. This is at the heart of our curriculum and we want our children to make safe choices and develop a deep spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding. We actively look for links to this.

We also teach P4C, Philosophy for Children, and we want our children to have the chance to discuss and debate in an open-minded manner.

Read more about our curriculum.

Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement for Science