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Fantastic week in Penguins!

January 24, 2025

Not only have your children been absolutely delightful, they’ve produced some great work.

We’ve had letter writing in English where the children have been using apostrophe words and suffix words ending in -ment and -ness to encourage Rosie not to give up her dreams. In Maths, we’ve nearly completed a short unit on graphs and data. We’ve learnt how to draw and interpret pictograms, tally charts and block diagrams, including using scaled diagrams to record our data and applied our skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to count them.

In the afternoons, we’ve been practising our reading, showing a greater awareness of prosody and confidence with fluency. We have also started to identify and discuss possible themes of the stories we are reading which will help us to draw links between books that we read.

In computing, we practised using beebots to give it instructions and see if the instructions are correct.

We are working really hard to learn our songs ready for the Infant Voices Festival after half term. So far we’ve learnt 3 songs and the children have asked me to share the link to the website so they can practise them at home. The songs to practise are in the My Dream Job section: Astronaut, My dream Job and Score the winning goal. Enjoy!!

Song Source Songbooks — Portsmouth Music Hub