We have had a wonderful week back with each other. Pufferfish loved sharing the adventures that they had during the winter break.
We started the new week with a new book. ‘We’re going on a bear hunt.’ We really enjoyed acting out the story and creating silly codes to write. Thankfully the bears haven’t caused too much trouble this week.
In phonics we have begun the new phase 3 sounds. (or the blue ones as lots of children keep referring to them as) These include diagraphs and trigraphs. Pufferfish were really excited to learn that a trigraph is 3 letters that make one sound such as ‘igh’. They have them in their book bags if you would like to practice them at home.
In maths we have started to look at 3D shapes, Pufferfish were able to use vocabulary such as vertices, curved surface and faces. We played a game called ‘guess the shape’, they were able to describe the shape so we could work out which shape they were thinking about.
During PE we were able to pretend that we were pirates. We walked the plank, jumped 2 feet to 2 feet into the sea, and weaved through the sharks in the water.
On Friday we learnt a new word ‘hibernation’. We now know that some animals sleep through winter because its too cold. We also know that they eat lots of food before they hibernate.
Have a lovely weekend. Next week we will be helping the animals that don’t hibernate. I wonder what we will be making…….