Happy Friday!
Dolphins’ Class have work hard again this week in all of their learning!. In English, we have continued to write about our new alien friend Beegu. The class have learned about the prefix ‘un-‘ this week and came up with lots of wonderful ways to describe the ‘Earth Creatures’ that Beegu met on her adventure. In Maths, we investigated numbers within 50, sequencing and comparing different 2-digit numbers. We have also begun to partition these numbers into tens and ones to understand how we sequence and compare numbers. During Art this week, the children created their own 3D structures using rolled, folded and curled paper. They practiced combining paper cylinders to make a sculpture and some children began exploring adding pattern and shape onto the surfaces of their cylinders. Next week, we will use these skills to create some 3D drawings.
This week, we earned 6 Kindness Points towards the Guinea Pigs. As a class, we are determined to earn even more next week, with a focus on listening to others!