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Spring 1 Week 2

By January 17, 2025Pre-School

Spring 1 Week 2

January 17, 2025

The children have done so well this week coming into school independently putting their things on the pegs and with a hugeee smile!

This week our book was ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’  and the children have enjoyed reenacting it and used their senses to describe how it would have felt on their feet. We have been focusing on numbers this week singing number rhymes and matching different representations to their numbers to 5. Our sound was ‘g’ this week and the children have been very good at recognising different things that are not in our box that starts with ‘g’. The children have enjoyed water play indoors pouring and tipping into different containers pretending to make different drinks and potions, and had an experiment on things that might sink or float. In Starfish we have been enjoying our PE lessons practicing balancing with a bean bag on our head, hopping and jumping. After our PE we try our hardest to get ourselves dressed again (socks and shoes). If you get time in the mornings or on the weekend you could encourage them to put their sock on themselves, they might surprise you how quickly they can do it!


We are encouraging that the children bring in a full set of spare clothes with them everyday, they might not necessarily have an accident but they will definitely get messy or wet in the water play.