Starfish have had such a busy week! At the beginning of the week we read our story of the week which has been ‘Where’s my teddy?’ and found some words that rhymed in the story. We also designed our own teddy bears and discussed if we have one at home and what their names are. The children have been very good at recalling the names of 2D shapes. We used the shapes to create pictures and also found objects in the room that were either a circle, square, rectangle or triangle. A big focus has been talking about our feelings and what we can do when we are feeling certain ways, this was used through Pickles the Penguin when he had told the class he was feeling sad because he missed his mummy. The children were very thoughtful in what they would do to cheer him up by thinking about things others do to help them when they are sad. Some of the things the children said were ‘singing songs to him’, ‘getting him some chocolate or ice-cream’ or ‘giving him a cuddle’. We have been looking over the previous sounds we have learnt during discover and do by sorting objects with their initial sounds. This weeks sound was ‘o’ and they were even able to find objects beginning with ‘o’ in the room.
We are encouraging that all children should have a full set of spare clothes with them (pants, socks, t-shirts, jumpers and trousers such as leggings or jogging bottoms) this will help us if a child does have an accident or gets messy during their play. At school we do have some spare clothes but we are running short. If your child has gone home in school clothes, please may they be returned as soon as possible. Thank you!