This week, Year 4 have written news reports based on the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii. It has been great to see the children applying their skill based learning to their writing to ensure they are writing for purpose. In maths this week, we have been super resilient when ordering and comparing fractions using a number line. We have been using key vocabulary when explaining our reasonings. Our afternoon learning has consisted of identifying the diets of animals based on their teeth in science, designing a Roman town in history and building up our muscular strength in PE.
This week, Sea Otters have scored a 9/10 for kindness! The children have been demonstrating their respect to each other and each other’s things. Something as simple as hanging someone else’s coat up has scored us so highly! Let’s aim for that 10/10!!
Please continue to encourage your child’s use of TTRS as our MTC will creep up on us quickly!