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Spring 1 Week 4

By February 2, 2025Pre-School

Spring 1 Week 4

February 2, 2025

Starfish had a visit this week from the Baby bear in Whatever Next! The children cared for baby bear by giving him things to keep him from getting bored, hungry or uncomfortable in his rocket ship. They then drew things that they would take to space if they were in baby bears rocket ship.

The children continued to practice their balancing skills in PE this week with objects on their heads, they were very good at keeping their heads up so the bean bags did not fall off.

We also looked at numbers this week and what happens when the number 4 is split into different ways (we could have one group of one cube and another group of 3 cubes but there is still 4 in total).

Additionally, we listened to the story of the zodiacs to celebrate Chinese new year and had some activities based around this such as; retelling the story through role play, using our fine motor skills to add colour to the snakes and mark making in rice to reveal the Chinese new year pictures.

Thank you to all of the children who have brought in their Wow moments! They really enjoy showing off what they achieve at home and show pride when doing so.

We also have our stay and play session Wednesday afternoon 2-3. All are welcome even if your child does not attend a Wednesday session.