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Spring 1 Week 4 – 31.01.25

January 31, 2025

Dolphins have had another super week of learning!

On Monday, some mysterious eggs appeared in the classroom, including a giant spotty egg. We got to hold the eggs and then wrote about what they looked like and who they could belong to! We also began to read our new book for English lesson ~ The Odd Egg by Emily Gravatt. Next week, we will continue to read our book and introduce imperative verbs into our writing. In Maths, we have been comparing numbers within 20 and learning different strategies to find the difference between two numbers. We learnt how to use the ‘make ten’ strategy to find the difference if our numbers bridge 10 on our number lines. Our core skill in PE this week has been agility. We talked about what agility is and what helps us stay agile, and the applied this to different tasks that required us to be agile.

We are working really hard to learn our songs ready for the Infant Voices Festival after half term. So far we’ve learnt 4 songs alongside Year 2 and the children have asked me to share the link to the website so they can practise them at home. The songs to practise are in the My Dream Job section: Astronaut, My dream Job, Score the winning goal and The Doctor Song. We have also begun learning our class solo: I Wish I Had A Gavel. Enjoy!!

Song Source Songbooks — Portsmouth Music Hub