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Telling the Time in Year 1

December 9, 2024

This week, Dolphins have had a very busy week. In English, we have begun looking at our new book ‘The Tear Thief’ and spent time familiarising ourselves with the story. We have also created story maps to help us retell the story to others. In Maths, we have continued our work on time using o’clock and half past and have begun to discuss when different things happen in our day, including when we wake up and what time we come to school. In PSHE, we have looked at what fair and unfair means and how we can tell if something is fair. The class were very confident telling others when something was unfair and unkind and came up with solutions to make things fair and kind. This week, Dolphins and Pufferfish did their first practise of the Nativity together and they sounded amazing! Lots of Dolphins have already learned their lines off by heart too!