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This Week in Year 6

December 13, 2024

Year 6 have had a brilliant week this week. We have got stuck into our percentages unit in maths, which the children are now becoming much more confident in and have some real experts in the class as well! We have finished our class text, Coraline, and the children are now writing a report based on one of the strange happenings from the book, in which they edited and adapted today as a final draft – it has been lovely to see the use of formal language come in and children be really creative with the phrases they are using to make theirs stand out. In our reading lessons, we have focused specifically on impressions and evidence, working on 3-mark SATs style questions that some children had asked to focus on – lovely to see them taking so much ownership over their own learning.

We looked at healthy friendships in PSHE and being a good friend, where the children produced some great posters on the qualities of a good friend. We also have had the pleasure of watching our friends perform their RockSteady Concert (well done to all involved!) the children loved it.