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This week in Year R

December 13, 2024

The excitement coming from our room is fantastic. The children are so excited for Christmas to arrive, they are happily sharing their stories of the Elf’s adventures along with all other Christmas news. It’s wonderful to see the magic in their eyes as they are sharing their moments.

This week we found Naughty Bus in the air, we think he is trying to fly. We will try and solve that puzzle next week. This week has been our final week learning about the artist Kandinsky. We were able to talk about how his artwork made us feel, what we could see in his work and choose our favourite piece.  This week was also the last week that we will be using the wall bars in pe in for a while, fear not, next term will bring some more fun skills to learn.

As we start learning about the Christmas story, we have started to think about our families and why they are so special to us. The children shared some lovely thoughts such as ‘My dad makes me feel loved like the pink colour monster’. ‘Or My mummy gives me the best cuddles at bed time’. ‘My sister takes me to her shop and makes my hair look beautiful.’ Pufferfish are really lucky to have such wonderful families.

Today we performed the nativity show to the whole school. They were amazing. I can’t wait for you all to see it next week.