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Welcome Back (Spring 1)

January 6, 2025

Welcome back Sea Otters! We hope you have had a wonderful break and are looking forward to the new term!

This half term, we have an exciting curriculum ahead of us!

In English, we will be reading and developing our writing skills based on the books ‘Escape from Pompeii’ and ‘Roman Diary’. Our final outcomes will be a newspaper report and an explanation text. This will link to our History learning of The Romans. In Maths, we will be looking at calculating with multiplication and division, fractions and time. We will also be continuing to develop our times tables knowledge and practise for our upcoming MTC through maths frame and TTRS. In Art, we will explore pop art, looking closely at Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. We have lots more to look forward to in our other foundation subjects too!

See you all tomorrow.