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What we’ve been up to in Year 3

By December 3, 2024Year 3

What we’ve been up to in Year 3

December 3, 2024

What a talented bunch of authors we have in Year 3! This week we have been busy independently writing narratives based upon the Iron Man. The children have designed their own unusual characters to visit a setting of their choice. We will be editing and sharing our stories with each other on Monday. We can’t wait to read the finished narratives. In Maths we have started learning how to use column method for subtraction.  We have been using concrete resources to regroup. We will continue with this learning next week.

We have began to build our pneumatic mechanism toys. Many thanks for all the box donations. We do not need anymore boxes but would still appreciate a little more tinfoil if possible.  In Geography we have been comparing our temperate climate to that of tropical Brazil. We have been thinking about where we would rather live. It was interesting to hear a lot of the children are happy with the UK and appreciate our four seasons!

Seals showed their resilience this week by tacking all their assessments with resilience and effort. Well done to everyone! In French, we looked at Matisse and his block colour shape animal paintings. In PSHE, we looked at different family members and our relationships with them. In PE we have been working with our PE expert Mrs Unitt, doing fitness. This week, we practised doing two different things at the same time. For example the tree pose, where we balance and move our legs. The children have really loved the fitness topic.