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Spring 1 Week 2

January 16, 2025

What a super week in Year 5! We began the week by writing comparative setting descriptions about a Cornish beach in perfect weather and again in stormy weather using the fantastic vocabulary we generated last week. Lots of children were seen by SLT for the silver book and Mrs Leslie stated, “Wow, the writing is amazing. I would’ve loved to have been on the calm beach – not so much the stormy one though!” In Maths, we have all worked hard on securing long multiplication as a formal written method starting at 2×2 digits now up to 4×2 digits. Our second lesson of Computing saw us attempting to write our initials by programming a turtle – it was much harder than we first thought! We can’t wait to continue reading The Giant’s Necklace next week to see if Cherry survived her battle with the ferocious sea!