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Spring 1 Week 3

January 24, 2025

It has been another full-on week for Year 5. There have been some brilliant wins with all children successfully understanding the bus stop method for division as well as everything required for writing speech correctly in English. Towards the end of the week, in Art, the children researched and began a William Morris page detailing information about his life as well as having a go at replicating some of his beautiful natural patterns. In PE, we are learning more rules around netball and ended the lesson with several games of ‘line’ ball. The respect shown during the matches was impeccable – we now need to work on this being the same after the match too! Finally, we very nearly(!!) had a full set of homework back last week; it would be great for all children to return their homework next week as it is always based on concepts taught in the classroom so it is helpful for us to know if it has transferred into their long-term memory as knowledge. They have bartered with me and we have agreed on some extra break time if this does indeed happen.