This week in English, Year 5 have learnt the necessary skills ready for their independent news report write next week about Cherry’s disappearance/drowning based on our book ‘Giant’s Necklace’. We have looked at the various past tenses (simple, progressive and perfect) as well as reported speech and a brand new skill for Year 5: parenthesis!
In Maths, our learning has been fractions based with lots of multiplying going on. Next week is our final fractions week on fractions of amounts. Then we will move onto decimals and percentages and how these all link together.
We had a visit from Mrs Dorricott on Wednesday as we all got into the Silver Book for our ‘Point, Evidence, Explain’ paragraphs around how we knew Cherry had drowned and become a ghost in the story.
In Computing, we used Logo and our maths knowledge around exterior angles to create shapes using a repeated code.
Finally, in Geography, we looked at the tectonic plates and how they move and cause earthquakes, mountains, valleys, tsunamis and volcanoes. Next week, we will look specifically at volcanoes and learn about the parts of these.