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Week 2

January 17, 2025

Throughout the week in Year 6, we have continued our learning about the war – we have looked at evacuation, life during the war and even learnt some of the songs including ‘The White Cliffs of Dover’. We were even lucky enough to have a look at a real life bomb shell, which Remy kindly brought in for us to see!
In Maths, we have finished our decimals unit and have now moved onto area, perimeter and volume. We tackled some challenging rectilinear shapes and are now looking at the area of triangles. It was lovely to see so much progress in the children’s weekly arithmetics too!
In English, we have used our new learned skills (colons, passive voice and conjunctive adverbs) to write from the perspective of a journalist in WWII.
In PE, we practised our shooting skills with Hallie being our star goal scorer for the class!
In DT, we have begun planning our three course meals! Next week we have practice SATs papers, which the children are looking forward to seeing how their scores are improving!