Throughout the week in Turtle class, we have continued our learning about the war – looking at evacuation, air-raid shelters and even learnt part of the song ‘The White Cliffs of Dover’. Remi also brought in a shell of an old bomb for us to look at!
We used this new learning to write a report from the perspective of a journalist in WWII reporting on the evacuation of young children. Within this piece of writing, we applied various new skills: passive voice, colons, conjunctive adverbs and formal language.
In Maths, we started a new unit on area, perimeter and volume, starting by looking at rectilinear shapes and then moving right-angle triangles.
In PE, we practised our shooting skills in netball (with Hallie being top goal scorer!) and developed our passing and moving skills. We are hoping to try a match next week!
We finished the week by beginning to plan our three course meal – in the style of ‘Come Dine With Me’ – discussing the foods we could make and the ingredients we will need.