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Week 3 Turtles

January 24, 2025

What a crazy week we have had in Turtles Class! With our 3rd lot of practice SATs tests all complete, the children are incredibly proud of the progress they have made due to their hard work and determination, ending the week on some fantastic maths scores! We also managed to keep all 10 kindness points, so success all round!

In English, we have begun planning our news reports based around a major event in the war. The children will be using a combination of skills to put together a formal, informative report to the citizens of Britain. In Maths, we will be moving onto measurement, looking at units of measure and problem solving. We have prepared our ingredients list for D.T in preparation for our three-course meal, which the children are really looking forward to and even started designing a menu to go alongside this. Finally, we looked at habit, routine and addiction in PSHE, learning that when we put in positive, healthy routines, we tend to feel happier and more prepared in ourselves.