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Welcome Back Turtles!

January 6, 2025

Happy New Year! We have a busy term ahead as we begin the Spring Term with lots of exciting new topics to look forward to.

Our main theme throughout the term will be WWII. This will run through our History, Music, Reading and English work, with our book of the half term being ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’, which covers some key concepts of the war. The book will cover some sensitive topics such as neglect, bereavement and separation, as well as delving into some more complex language.

In Maths, we be picking up where we left off last half term with our decimals unit, looking at multiplying and dividing decimals as part of securing arithmetic skills. We will then be moving onto measure, including units of measure, area, perimeter and volume (where we will also be revisiting shape).

We have a very exciting DT unit planned for this term, where the children will be designing, cooking and evaluating a three course meal of their choice. This will teach children some basic culinary skills, budgeting, nutrition and working as a team.

In PE, the children can look forward to netball on a Monday and yoga on a Wednesday.